Somnus Turn Free Mattress Collection
Providing all the luxury you would expect from a sumptuous Somnus mattress without the heavy work of turning it with the seasons, our Turn Free beds are some of the most innovative sleep systems you’ll find. Each one is upholstered with the finest home-grown, sustainable natural fillings and feature our very own Sensa Intelligent spring system. Whichever model you choose, you’ll find that you experience a superior level of sleep.

Other Somnus ranges

Somnus Dual Sided Mattress Collection
8 mattresses
Each Dual Sided mattress is handcrafted with the finest in sustainable natural fillings and feature our innovative Sensa Intelligent spring system.

Somnus Mattress Enhancer
1 mattress
Enhance your sleeping experience. Designed to give your mattress an extra layer of luxury, for even greater comfort and softness, our range of luxury toppers attach onto any of our Somnus mattresses.